Dispozablade replacement knives are now available to purchase online
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DISPOZABLADE – The ultimate solution for easy, accurate and economical planer and jointer knife changes.
For over 31 years ESTA-USA and DISPOZABLADE have been dedicated to achieving one single goal, to provide both the industrial manufacturer of wood products as well as the part-time woodworker with a planer blade and jointer knife that anyone can change instantly, accurately and economically. Unlike every other quick-change planer knife system, our planer blades and jointer knives are designed to work in the original factory-installed cutter head of almost all planers, jointers and molders found in today’s woodworking shops, both large and small. The combination of these features in one simple knife is unique to woodworking tooling. Extensive nonstop research and development has resulted in an innovative line of planer knives and jointer blades that have completely replaced the troublesome, frustrating and imprecise task of changing knives with a method that is simple, easy and accurate. No special skills. No machine modifications. No expensive proprietary cutter heads. No need for jack screws, springs, setting gauges, jigs or measuring tools. Just simple straightforward “Drop and Lock” knife installations in your machine.
Each generation of DISPOZABLADE has progressively made changing planer knives and jointer blades easier while improving setting accuracy. First with the introduction of ACU-SET knife support screws in the mid 1980’s, then with POSI-SET knife support magnets in the mid 1990’s and now with the latest breakthrough in 2007, SELF-SET® knife holders.
But common to each generation of DISPOZABLADE is the use of our time tested German quality double edge disposable knives. These High Speed or super-tough Kobalt steel planer blades and jointer knives are the trade standard for being more cost-effective than conventional knives that require regrinding or re-sharpening. Our factory-honed edges always provide absolute peak machine performance and finish quality on all hardwoods and softwoods. Whether you call them planer knives or planer blades, jointer knives or jointer blades the meaning is the same. But when it comes to quality choose DISPOZABLADE.
If you use any type or brand of planer, jointer or molder and would like to learn more about ENDING YOUR KNIFE CHANGING HEADACHES FOREVER, give us a call at (800) 557-8092 or click on our contact page. We welcome your interest and would be pleased to discuss your particular application and answer any questions. Prompt personal customer service and support is our main priority.
Customer Reviews:
“I promised you an update on your product and I’m blown away by the simplicity of the install and also by the quality of the cut produced by your blades! That jointer has NEVER cut so cleanly since I bought it 24 years ago. Thank you for your help in getting me back to work so quickly and relieving me of the nightmare of blade changes on that machine; I rarely get that kind of attention these days.” Scott Lambert – Ontario Canada – King KC 60C jointer April 2021
“I received blades yesterday and have already installed them. Joiner is cutting like a new one. They are everything that you said they would be. I installed in 10 minutes or less and reset the outfeed bed and was off to the races.” Brent Rocke Rocke Construction Services, Inc. Frankfort, KY – December, 2020
“My jointer kit arrived this afternoon. It took about 45 minutes to remove the old blades, clean, install the new set, and adjust the outfeed and infeed tables. I ran a few test samples of hard maple through and the results were amazing. Previously it took 3 or 4 hours to adjust the blades when I had the knives resharpened, and the results weren’t the best. I spent another hour trying to fine-tune and basically got to a point where is was good enough. The jointer is performing better than when it was brand new. Thank you for developing the system. You have a customer for life!” – Peter Kistler – April, 2020
“I’m sure you’ve heard this all before and many times, but I just wanted to say it again: The Dispoz-A-Blade system is great! The holder and knives you sent installed perfectly -just like that. In less than 5 minutes my old planer was up-and-running cutting a near glass-like finish on maple and walnut boards.” – James Thompson
“Thank you for taking my order today. I really appreciate it. You seldom find this in today’s business community. You build a great product. Keep up the great work.” – John Boyd Walter Navistar Corporation
“Today I installed a set of Dispozablades in my 50 to 60-year-old Powermatic 60 jointer. After I cleaned out the blade slots in the cutter head, I installed the blades. They slid in without a hitch. I couldn’t figure out why they weren’t getting tight until I remembered that I was tightening the gib screws instead of loosening them. Fixed that screwup, and the installation went perfectly. I had to loosen and lower the outfeed about table approximately 3-5 thousandths. Once done, I checked the blade fit, and they were dead on. I checked by measuring the movement of a straight edge ruler when contacting the blade as it was rotated past TDC. This is the second set of Dispozablades I’ve purchased and I couldn’t be happier. Excellent, First Rate Product.” – Burt Pierce
“The local resharpening cost had increased to the point that it was lower in cost to use the Dispozablade double-edged refills,” said Hill. “Combine this with the fact that it is not necessary to adjust the rear table when installing fresh blades after the original installation; both time and money are saved. The product works just as advertised and I think has a longer working life than my original equipment re-sharpened blades.” – Chuck Hill, of Hill Engineering Inc. Del Mar, CA.
Planer Knives ANYONE Can Change at a price ANYONE Can Afford!